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Bugfender Docs

Remote Logger, Crash Reporter and In-App User Feedback

Bugfender is a log storage service for application developers. Bugfender collects everything happening in the application, even if it does not crash, in order to reproduce and resolve bugs more effectively and provide better customer support.
Bugfender respects your user's privacy, is battery and network efficient and keeps logging even if the device is offline.


Track and Destroy Bugs Before Users Even Notice

Bugfender logs all bugs on all devices and sends the results in seconds - enabling you to find and fix bugs before your users even get an error message.


Achieve 5-Star Ratings

Bugfender doesn’t just log bugs and crashes. It logs all the information you’ll ever need so you can build a clear picture of your users and earn those crucial five-star ratings.


Deliver World-Class Customer ServiceDeliver World-Class Customer Service

Our logging tool enables you to target individual users and provide personalized customer support - keeping your customers happy, and ensuring you retain them.

Already Trusted by Thousands

Bugfender is the best remote logger for mobile and web apps.

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